Ay/Ge 107
Introduction to Astronomical Observation
Introduction to Astronomical Observation
12 units (2-2-8)
third term
Prerequisites: CS 1 or equivalent coding experience recommended.
This hands-on, project-based course covers the design, proposal, and execution of astronomical observations, the basics of data reduction and analysis, and interacting with astronomical survey catalogs. The scope of the course includes imaging and spectroscopic observational techniques at optical and infrared wavelengths. The format centers on projects and practical skills but also includes a lecture and problem set component to establish the theoretical underpinnings of the practical work. Specific course components include: (a) Students will learn to use small, portable telescopes and find and image objects of interest using finder charts; (b) Students will build basic data reduction pipelines for imaging and spectroscopy data to understand how these types of data are used to derive scientific results; (c) Students will use Palomar Observatory to propose and execute their own research projects focused on astrophysical or planetary topics; (d) Students will query and work with data from on-line archives and catalogs. The class meets twice a week during the daytime plus one weekly evening telescope session, and has a required field trip to Palomar Observatory. Students interested in enrolling should review the logistical information on this page and ensure their schedule allows attendance of all course components prior to registering: https://dekleer.caltech.edu/ayge107. Enrollment is limited.
Hillenbrand, de Kleer