Figure Caption: Summary of space and time behavior of the seismicity during the 2016-2020 Cahuilla swarm in Southern California.
Earthquake science has been a research emphasis at the Seismological Laboratory at Caltech for more than a century. Our scientists have pioneered the imaging of the earthquake rupture process and we continue to advance our ability to observe and model the entire seismic cycle. The Seismo Lab takes a multidisciplinary approach to earthquake science with strong collaborative efforts involving various groups. We have focused efforts in observational, theoretical, and computational seismology, geodesy (GPS and satellite imaging techniques), and integrated physical modeling. Collaborative research is also conducted between the Seismo Lab and other units around campus, including Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Mechanical and Civil Engineering (MCE) and the Graduate Aeronautics Laboratory. We also have a close collaboration with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
The Seismological Laboratory, together with the USGS, developed and runs the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN), which is now an integral part of the California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN) – one of the most advanced seismographic networks in the world. Moreover, the Seismo Lab is actively pursuing the development of other observing platforms, including the Community Seismic Network (CSN) and Digital Acoustic Sensing (DAS). The Seismo Lab is a leader in the development and deployment of Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) systems.
Seismo Lab scientists doing research in this area:
- Jean-Philippe Avouac
- Egill Hauksson (emeritus)
- Allen Husker
- Hiroo Kanamori (emeritus)
- Nadia Lapusta
- Zach Ross
- Tom Heaton (emeritus)
- Mark Simons
- Joann Stock
- Zhongwen Zhan
Related Faculty at Caltech
- Domniki Asimaki (EAS)
- Monica Kohler (EAS)
- Ares Rosakis (EAS)