Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN)
The Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN), a joint project of Caltech and USGS, monitors real-time seismicity and provides earthquake information products such as rapid notifications, moment tensors, ShakeMap, and ShakeMovie. The SCSN has evolved through the years and now consists about 300 real-time seismic stations. In addition, the SCSN records data from about 100 stations provide by partner networks. The SCSN data are archived and distributed to researchers by the Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC).
Diamond-Anvil Cell Laboratory

The Diamond-Anvil Cell (DAC) Laboratory allows one to study how planetary materials behave under high pressures and temperatures.
Portable Seismic Instrumentation
Our portable seismic equipment consists of 15 intermediate band Guralp CMG-40T seismometers equipped with Nanometrics Taurus dataloggers. These are mainly contributing to our research projects in South America and are currently installed as part of the post-earthquake deployment in Chile. Click here for the current deployment map.
GIS Laboratory
The Geographic Information System (GIS) Laboratory provides remote sensing, 3D modeling and other geographic information system resources for researchers within the division.
PMA/GPS Instrument Shop
The PMA/GPS Instrument Shop is an eight-man machine shop staffed to help design and fabricate mechanical, optical and infrared instrumentation.
Planetary Science
Off-campus Facilities
See our Division website to learn more
GPS Division Facilities
See complete list