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ME/CE/Ge/ESE 146
Computational Methods for Flow in Porous Media
9 units (3-0-6)  | second term
Prerequisites: ME 11 abc, ME 12 abc, ACM 95/100, ACM 106 ab (may be taken concurrently).
This course covers physical, mathematical, and simulation aspects of single and two-phase flow and transport through porous media. Conservation equations for multiphase, multicomponent flow. Modeling of fluid mechanical instabilities such as viscous fingering and density-driven convection. Coupling fluid flow with chemical reactions and heat transfer. Numerical methods for elliptic equations: finite volume methods, two-point flux approximations. Numerical methods for hyperbolic equations: high-order explicit methods, implicit method. Applications in hydrology, geological CO2 sequestration, and induced seismicity, among others, will be demonstrated.
Instructor: Fu