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Seismo Lab Seminar

Friday, April 12, 2024
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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South Mudd 256 (Benioff Room)
The magmatic system under Hunga volcano before and after the January 2022 eruption
Hélène Le Mèvel, Staff Scientist, Earth & Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institute of Science, DC,

One of the largest explosive eruptions instrumentally recorded occurred at Hunga volcano on 15 January 2022. The magma plumbing system under this volcano is unexplored because of inherent difficulties caused by its submarine setting. In this talk I will show how we can use marine gravity data derived from satellite altimetry combined with multibeam bathymetry to model the architecture and dynamics of the magmatic system before and after the January 2022 eruption. I will then show how modeling global satellite altimetry–derived gravity data at other submarine volcanoes offer a promising reconnaissance tool to probe the subsurface for eruptible magma.

For more information, please contact Seismo Lab Seminar Committee by phone at 626-395-6919 or by email at