Zachary E. Ross
Assistant Professor of Geophysics; William H. Hurt Scholar
B.S., University of California, Davis, 2009; M.S., California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 2011; Ph.D., University of Southern California, 2016. Assistant Professor, Caltech, 2019-; Hurt Scholar, 2021-.
Research Overview
My research is focused on developing an improved understanding of earthquakes and faults. I develop scalable algorithms for extracting scientifically valuable signals from large seismic datasets using techniques from artificial intelligence and statistics. I then assimilate these extracted signals to perform comprehensive analyses of the geometry of fault zones at seismogenic depths; probe the intricate spatiotemporal details of earthquake sequences; and understand the physics of earthquakes in relation to the structural architecture of fault zones.
Related Courses
Ge 264 – Machine Learning in Geophysics
Ge 271 – Dynamics of Seismicity